All UK Kegs and Casks (or Beer Barrels) are owned by UK Brewers – and not for sale or trading with the general public. If you have found or have been given or otherwise in possession of kegs/casks/beer barrels please contact the Keg Watch Office on FREE PHONE 0808 100 1945 - BEFORE YOU PLACE AN ADVERT.
KEG WATCH is the only official organisation to handle keg containers on behalf of the British Beer & Pubs Association and the owning brewers. It is staffed by brewers and is a NON PROFIT MAKING organisation. All internet sites are monitored constantly.
Police intervention recently required with an eBay vendor who was being uncooperative with one of our investigations. Resulted in two kegs being retrieved which will be repatriated to the owning brewers. Vendor was cautioned by the police
On Sunday 28th May 2023, two suspects arrested by the Metropolitan Police at Bromley for theft of a large number of kegs valued at £3,000 (recovered) belonging to various UK brewers. Both detained in custody and dealt with by local procedure.
On Friday 26th May 2023 the Port of Dover Police stopped and searched a heavy good vehicle about to leave the country for Europe. The vehicle contained nearly one thousand UK brewery kegs, estimated value £80,000. One person arrested and detained for theft. Keg Watch investigation team assisting Port of Dover police.
On 26th February 2023 two suspects arrested by Kent Police in possession of a number of UK brewery kegs. Both bailed pending investigative and court file preparation.
One person arrested and charged with theft of kegs from a London based wholesaler. Appeared in custody at court 4/4/22 and pleaded guilty to theft of kegs. The defendant was fined and other court orders made.
Theft of Brewery Kegs - London
During the late evenings of Thursday 21st January 2021; Friday 22nd January 2021 and
Saturday 23rd January 2021 three London brewery sites were subject to theft of kegs
by organised offender(s) believed using the below Mercedes Sprinter Van RL05RBL.
A total of 241 stainless steel containers were stolen – 20; 30; 50 litres, valued at over £18,000.00p
The brewery sites are located SW12; SE12; W10.
All crimes reported to police and Keg Watch. Keg Watch investigators are making further detailed enquiries and any information regarding the suspect vehicle should be reported to Police and the Keg Watch office on 0808 100 1945 or at
Suspect Vehicle – RL05RBL – White Mercedes Sprinter bearing “RBL” signage along the side
On Friday 11th December 2020 Keg Watch investigators together with Northamptonshire Police stopped a foreign registered articulated vehicle and over 300 stolen UK Brewery kegs were recovered and prevented from being exported to Europe. One man was arrested and enquiries continue.
On Sunday 13th December 2020 following information received, Keg Watch investigators and Thames Valley Police entered the yard of an industrial estate in Witney Oxfordshire and discovered 400 UK brewery kegs about to be loaded and shipped out of the country. Several individuals were interviewed and enquiries continue.
22.02.19 A 34 year old male from Luton has been charged by police with theft of 76 brewery kegs (recovered) and is bailed to appear at Luton Magistrates’ Court
20.11.18 Recent stop of vehicle at Port of Dover has resulted in over 900 kegs and casks being retrieved by Keg Watch.
A site in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire was targeted by thieves over the weekend and 460 aluminium kegs stolen. Keg Watch security team are on the case and the Ports have been notified. Any information please phone Keg Watch on 0808 100 1945.
Published Feb 2017
During 2016, we had 53 requests from scrap yards asking us to uplift kegs, casks and dispense gas cylinders that had been taken into their yards.
This resulted in Keg Watch uplifting 619 kegs and casks and 67 gas cylinders.
Thanks for your help!
During December and January, three vehicles have been stopped at Port of Dover attempting to leave the country with 227 kegs and casks on board. A further vehicle was stopped at the Channel Tunnel during January, carrying 3 kegs. These have all been recovered by the Keg Watch for repatriation to their owners.