Kegs first appeared in the UK in the 1950s and quickly addressed the shortcomings of traditional wooden casks, becoming widely accepted by brewers. Development has continued since then, resulting in effectively a 'Kegs/Casks For Life', which, after initial purchase requires little or no subsequent service costs.
Containers are unique containers in that they can be re-used - rather than recycled as scrap metal - with great savings of energy and conservation of resources. With proper care and maintenance containers have been known to last for over 20 years, confirming their position as ecologically friendly packages.
Even at the end of their serviceable life, containers can be processed and their premium grade component materials successfully used by industry.
Recyclability applies to both stainless steel and aluminium containers, but aluminium smelts at a relatively low temperature making it a particularly easy target for criminals.
When containers become unserviceable, they will be processed by authorised destruction agents.
Containers should never been seen in civic amenity sites, waste transfer sites or any other recycling schemes.